Tenet 1 – Individualism
There exists a Higher Being, and each individual has his/her own understanding of, and relationship with, that being.
Tenet 2 – Search
Each individual shall constantly seek knowledge throughout his/her entire carnation.
Tenet 3 – Refinement
Because of tenets 1 and 2, each individual will constantly evolve his/her understanding of, and relationship with, a Higher Being.
Tenet 4 – Acceptance
Multitheism has existence because of different religions. It’s very nature is the acceptance and tolerance of other established religions.
Tenet 5 – Non-judgement
Multitheism seeks not to assess established religions for the purpose of ranking them or improving them, but rather to use the knowledge internally through tenet 3, Refinement.
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Multitheism seeks and recognizes common themes throughout many of the world’s established religions such as karma, treating others as you would be treated, and charity.
Tenet 7 – Rituals
As each individual’s relationship with a Higher Being is unique, the rituals that best assist that person’s relationship could come from any, several or none of the traditional established religions.
Tenet 8 – Reciprocity
As you have learned, so shall you enlighten. Evangelistic behavior is not necessary to share Multitheism, and is a beautiful, rare gift that should be bestowed among thinking individuals.
Tenet 9 – Exchange
U2positive is simply a place where knowledge can be exchanged, where religious and secular scholars can speak, ideas can be vollied, and greater understanding can illuminate tenet 6, Commonality.
Tenet 10 – Responsibility
As a human, you have a universal duty to attempt to improve the earth, humanity, civilization, family and self, however that may be. Espouse the idea of “leaving it a little better than we found it.”